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Cleaning Chemicals -Cleaning Warehouse Range
As Gauteng's largest independent distributor of Cleaning Warehouse products we guarantee the best prices on the Cleaning Warehouse range of cleaning products.
Cleaning Warehouse detergents are built to a standard, equal to the best, if not better, at a price to delight. When time is money and the product must perform ,Cleaning Warehouse products fit the bill.

Cleaning Chemicals -Cleaning Warehouse Range

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Car Polish - Miraglaze
Car Polish - Miraglaze
From R 56.33
(CW) Dash & Tyre Shine
(CW) Dash & Tyre Shine
From R 64.01
Hand Cleaner with Grit
Hand Cleaner with Grit
From R 64.01
(CW) Tar Remover
(CW) Tar Remover
R 113.63
(CW) Tyre Shine
(CW) Tyre Shine
From R 113.75
Alu Mag
Alu Mag
From R 34.99
Truck washing
Truck Wash
From R 91.38