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DLF (Don't Like Flies)

DLF (Don’t Like Flies) by Habitat PCS. Environmentally sensible solutions to animal husbandry challenges. FREE SHIPPING ON ALL DLF PRODUCTS WITHIN RSA
A suite of products encompassing a wholistic approach in and around stables, kennels, chicken sheds, aviaries etc… DLF products are all based on natural elements and 100% non-toxic including to beneficial insects such as bees. The foundation elements of DLF being naturally occurring organics and plant extracts.
Essential oils may be expensive but are well known for their fly repellant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

In addition to using DLF products consider planting basil, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, and flowers like chrysanthemums, marigolds, and citronella grass around your stables, minimize standing water in the locality and keep feed packaging closed. Fans and barrier nets have also proved successful in minimizing nuisance insects. In short there is much you can do to improve the environment for yourself & your pets but you will never completely eliminate the little sods without resorting to the more hectic toxic alternatives.

DLF (Don't Like Flies)

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