How cleaning stuff works — hygiene
Cleaning Product Chemistry 0
Cleaning Product Chemistry
Understanding the how and why of cleaning product chemistry will help eliminate the guesswork when choosing the best solution for your cleaning needs. Although seemingly a simple matter, cleaning involves many variables.
Some can be controlled, others not. For the best result, we need to utilize as many variables as possible. To better understand the chemistry of cleaning products we first need to look at the problem of soil (dirt) and its removal.
Not all stain removers are born equal! 0
Selecting a stain remover is like a job interview. There are many applicants to choose from. They all seem qualified according to the label on the bottle to fulfill the job description. It can't be known if the correct solution was chosen until you test its ability to remove a carpet stain.- Matthew Smith
- Tags: cleaning cleaning tips hygiene science Tips
pH Scale 0
pH Scale
The measurement of acidity or alkalinity of a water based solution
The pH scale in scientific terms, is an inverse logarithmic representation of hydrogen proton (H+) concentration. pH (potential of hydrogen) is a scale measuring the acidity or alkalinity of a water based solution.
- Matthew Smith
- Tags: cleaning cleaning tips hygiene science Tips
(T.A.C.T.) 0
Fundamentals of Soil Suspension
Temperature, Agitation, Chemical Action & Time (T.A.C.T.)
The most significant principle in cleaning is soil suspension. This involves separating soil from whatever needs to be cleaned so that it can be removed.
Four fundamentals which determine cleaning efficiency are:
- Matthew Smith
- Tags: cleaning cleaning tips hygiene science Tips
The principles of cleaning/removing dirt 0
How do the principles of cleaning/removing dirt (Soil) relate to cleaning product chemistry
The principles of cleaning soil (removing dirt) consist of 4 major steps.
Step 1: Dry Soil Removal
- a preliminary step
- best accomplished through the use of a good vacuum cleaner
- is an integral part of an overall maintenance program
- Matthew Smith
- Tags: cleaning cleaning tips hygiene science Tips