Om te koop: klik deur na u vereiste produk, klik daarop om die produkbesonderhede te sien. U kan nou 'n mandjie byvoeg, kyk of voortgaan met inkopies .

Belangrike nota: Vir meer inligting oor Covid-19, sien gerus of skakel die SA noodhullyn by 0800 029 999

How we handle your orders

How we handle your orders

For your convenience we are open Mon to Sat. Collection of goods may be anytime between 9:00 and 16:30 Monday to Friday. Deliveries on weekdays only.

  1. On receipt of your order
    1. NB: prices are only confirmed once you have received a pro forma from our sales department. We reserve the right to amend web site prices to correct any errors or omissions.
    2. You will receive via email a proforma confirmation of your order.
    3. On receipt of your POP (please use your sales order number (prefix SH) as reference so we can correctly allocate your payment, you will not believe the number of "orphan" payments we receive which considerably slow up the process,) we pick your order.
    4. We raise a pro forma invoice against your order for all available goods on your order and email it to you. As our stock levels change by the minute we can not guarantee to have everything you order immediately to hand.
    5. Once your payment reflects/cleared (non standard bank EFT's can take up to 3 business days to reflect/clear) Online card payments are immediate, we will advise your delivery/collection date.
      1. Cash and cheque deposits attract an additional service charge of R35 or 2.5% ,whichever is the greatest, please avoid these methods.
      2. For your protection Credit card payments are held by Payfast or 48 hrs- Goods will be released once this period has expired.
    6. In the event of stock outs these are placed on back order and the process is repeated until your order is completed as your items become available.
      1. We carry any delivery costs within Gauteng for back order items.
      2. Should stock outs no longer be required by you we will issue a credit to the value for use against any of our other products. 

 1.Goods not to be received by you.

    1. If you will not be receiving the goods in person please advise us
      1. who is authorised to receive these goods on your behalf
      2. their cell number
    2. If we are delivering on your behalf to your customer
      1. Company receiving the goods
      2. who is authorised to receive these goods on your behalf,
        1. their cell number
      3. Physical address
      4. We will need a copy of your delivery note to be signed by the receiving party
        1. The completed delivery note is mailed to you asap.