Om te koop: klik deur na u vereiste produk, klik daarop om die produkbesonderhede te sien. U kan nou 'n mandjie byvoeg, kyk of voortgaan met inkopies .

Belangrike nota: Vir meer inligting oor Covid-19, sien gerus of skakel die SA noodhullyn by 0800 029 999

Part time local PRO

Local PRO

The Role:

  • A half day part time position- hours to suit between 8:30 & 16:30
  • Introduce our products within the local business community via cold calling. 

Minimum requirements for the role:

  1. Previous cleaning industry experience would be benificial.
  2. Must be self-motivated, target driven and customer orientated. 
  3. Excellent English & Afrikaans written and verbal communication skills are essential. 
  4. A thick skin coupled to a strong work ethic.
  5. Must have a valid driver’s license and own reliable vehicle.
  6. Resident Centurion

A market related salary & fuel allowance is available to the successful candidate.

In the first instance please send your cv to with a short motivation as to why you are person our local businesses are just waiting to meet :)