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Belangrike nota: Vir meer inligting oor Covid-19, sien gerus of skakel die SA noodhullyn by 0800 029 999

Tender Pricing

Important notes re pricing/supplying of tenders with more than 10 items.

Quoting these documents is a time consuming process as such are dealt with as and when time allows. If you have not bought from us within the last 3 months there is a R500 fee if you wish your tender priced as a priority (jump the que). Should you win the tender this is reimbursed against your subsequent orders over R3500. You may download a price list here

We will require your company and contact details to raise an official quote/invoice.

Tender documents are notoriously badly written with specifications often being non sensical or deliberately worded to ensure your non compliance. i.e SABS as a requirement for non SABS products, Sunlight, brooms etc being classic examples. BE CAREFUL.

Should we not stock the exact item as specified on the tender documents we will offer our nearest equivalent. IT IS THE TENDERPRENEURS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THIS IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE BUYING ORGANSATION. Be sure to qualify your submission accordingly should you submit such a bid.
We strongly suggest buying samples and have your client sign off these before you commit to the final purchase.

Bulk purchases or stock we source specifically for your tender may not be returned. We will advise the lead times when you place your order, to be safe allow up to 5 working days from your payment for us to have bulk orders ready for collection. Terms are always cash with order, we do have close ties with institutions who assist with funding PO's, give us a call if you need to be hooked up with them.

Due to the high instance of fraud we do not release SABS docs etc until an order is paid for.

Send your tender to and be sure to include your full company & contact details. We will issue you an invoice for tender pricing, on receipt of your R500 we will proceed to raise your quote.