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Which timber floor wax product to use

Why Wax?

Wax is used to seal and protect beautiful hardwood flooring. Choose water-base finishes in the correct type of wax for your floor and its finish. Follow wood manufacturer and finish label directions to protect your floor without having a dangerously slick surface. Use non skid rug pads under all rugs and runners to avoid accidents.


Which type of floor wax to use?

Solid Paste Wax – StreetWise Floor Wax

Choose old-fashioned wax for unvarnished hardwood floors, true linoleum, unfinished cork, and concrete.
Do NOT use solid floor wax on no-wax floors, vinyl, or urethane-finished floors.
Apply by hand for a long-lasting shine. Here's how.

  • Moisten a soft lint-free cotton cloth (such as an old T-shirt or mutton cloth) and wring it almost dry to prevent the cloth from absorbing too much wax.
  • Apply the wax lightly and evenly (per package instructions), working it into the surface..
  • As the waxed surface dries, it will appear cloudy. Buff to a shine with a clean towel, an electric rotary floor polisher, or a terry cloth-covered sponge mop.

Liquid Wax - Cleaning warehouse’s Liquid Floor & Furniture Wax 

Use liquid floor wax on unvarnished hardwood, linoleum, or unfinished cork. Follow label instructions. It is easier to apply than paste wax, but the finish doesn't last as long.
Do NOT use on no-wax floors, vinyl, or urethane-finished floors.
Dampen a soft lint-free cloth, a mop, or the pad of an electric floor polisher to prevent the wax from soaking in. Apply polish evenly and lightly. As it dries, the solvent evaporates, leaving the polish. When dry, buff the floor with a clean towel, an electric polisher, or a sponge mop covered with a terry cloth towel.


Water-Base Silicone Polishes - Cleaning warehouse’s Tile Brite 24% Liquid Polymer Floor Dressing.

Water-base silicone polishes can be used on all floors EXCEPT unsealed wood, cork, or linoleum. This is the only type of polish suitable for urethane-finished surfaces. Apply these long-lasting polishes in several thin coats rather than one heavy coat, which is difficult to dry.

To apply, dampen a clean mop head. Pour the polish onto the mop and pour some of the polish directly on the floor. Spread the polish evenly to avoid bubbles in the liquid. Allow the polish to dry, and buff the floor with a clean towel, an electric polisher, or a terry cloth-covered sponge mop. Apply second and third coats to high-traffic areas, buffing after each coat dries. Avoid spattering polish onto baseboards or walls because it stains paint and wall coverings.