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14 Secrets to Clean Your Home in Half the Time

14 Secrets to Clean Your Home in Half the Time 8

Cleaning should be quick, painless, and thorough... but mostly quick.
We show you how to get the former without losing the latter!
Ditching The Dirt With Microfibre Technology

Ditching The Dirt With Microfibre Technology 6

What if I told you I had an affordable product to clean your home that was all this…?

  • More hygienic
  • Quicker
  • Chemical-free
  • Cheaper
  • Greener

If you've tried the latest microfibre cleaning cloths, you'll know that technology really do make life easier. Not only are these cloths more hygienic, they avoid the need for extensive detergents, making them greener, and they get things far cleaner in a lot less time.


9 Things All Moms Can Relate To

9 Things All Moms Can Relate To 0

eing a mom is magical, wonderful, fulfilling... and seriously tough. Moms lose a lot of their identity because they morph from being a strong independent woman to someone who licks the fuzz off of suckers and cares for everyone but herself. Fortunately there is wine... and this article to make you say "Yes! Me too!"
6 Things You Own As Dirty As Harvey Weinstein

6 Things You Own As Dirty As Harvey Weinstein 0

Warning: there are things almost as gross as Harvey Weinstein in your hand as we speak.

The greatest filth-offenders in our lives are not actually the obvious suspects - decent humans are pretty conscientious about cleaning the toilet and the kitchen sink! The really gross things are the ones that cruise below our radar and rarely get the attention that they deserve. After reading this, you should totally go clean them

3 Things to Spring Clean Next Rainy Day

3 Things to Spring Clean Next Rainy Day 0

“When life tries to rain on your parade, poke it back with your umbrella.”

Rainy days are designed to demotivate you, but there is plenty that you can and should get done inside! The psychological benefits of spring cleaning range from increased motivation and decreased stress, to feelings of accomplishment and liberation as you literally and figuratively clean out the old to give way to the new. Tackling just even one of the following activities on a rainy day will leave you feeling